Friday, August 18, 2006

The Details...

Immerse yourself in Poetry and Fiction Writing at a residential workshop in Santiago, Chile.

Enjoy a private vineyard for 14 days of literature, warmth and foreign living.

Eat local food, sip Merlot and Chardonnay on a shady patio, swim in the pool and WRITE!

The workshops feature morning and afternoon sessions, manuscript appraisals and one-on-one consultations.

During the 14-day residence, 4 days will be open for arranged and accompanied trips to the Pablo Neruda museums, the Pacific coast, and historic Santiago.

So come and enjoy Andean Mountain views, lie beneath the summer sun and view the stars of the southern hemisphere.

Our 2006 participants have said: "Incredible," "Must not be missed!" "Don't think twice," and "Go, Go, Go!" Contact e-mail:


vern said...

Sounds like a fabulous writing holiday! If I can be there, rest assured I will.

vern said...

Any news on the 2008 workshops?